Our – associate member Frank Garrelts, DGN District1850/Germany together with RI-President Shekhar Mehta in Prag at Rotary Institute. worldwide 450 Rotarians were invited to share ideas for the future of Rotary.
Gerhard Bouwer our member gif a short talk about Special Olympics handicapped team next year to Mallorca. He brings the soccer team to Mallorca in camp in Magaluf round next year April 2022.
ASDICA – Association of people with disabilities in Calvià
ASDICA is an ONL of the Municipality of Calvià, born in 1996, with the intention of working in favour of all people with disabilities and their families.
During the more than 20 years that ASDICA has been working, we have dedicated our efforts to provide complementary services to those offered by the different administrations, in order to defend the rights of all people with disabilities in our municipality and to provide them, to the best of our ability, a normalized life.
To carry out our objectives, we are fortunate to have magnificent professional workers in each of the fields we deal with, as well as the invaluable help of numerous volunteers and collaborators.
The time in which we have had to live has forced us to become present in the world of social networks, as we have done for a few years with Facebook, but the time has come, of course, to have a website that contributes clear and structured way the reality and the objectives of our association.
Download ASDICA Memoria 2020.
Frank Garrelts presents a Rotary Chefs Hat to Saloua Sfar
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