Dear Ambassadors, Supporters and Friends of EndPlasticSoup,
Recently we published our Annual Report 2019/2020 on the website,
And hereby we send it to you.
Together we achieved a lot, please read the Annual Report, and many thanks for your support:
Our aim is:
- we continue to grow in numbers of supporters as a movement,
- we grow in sharing best practices from our clubs via our newsletters,
- we succeed in reducing our individual Plastic Mass Index (download the apps: My Little Plastic Footprint, and Beat the Microbead),
- we grow in supporting innovative solutions to solve the problem,
- we Refuse, Reduce, Recycle by Awareness & Actions & Alliances.
As you see in the financial report the year 2019-2020 closed with a surplus.
We recently identified four projects, to be honored for their achievements with a donation of € 1000 each:
- The Waterbarrier by the Satellite RC San Ignacio Bengue Viejo (Belize, D4250)
- Bay Adoption, by RC Sotra (Norway, D2250);
- Cleaning the Rivers of the World, by RC South Ukiah (USA, D5130)
- EmergenSea-bag, EPS CollectiX-boat, by D1850
Congratulations for Gomer Enriquez, Gunnar Buvik, Salvador Rico and Marja Ritterfeld
Save the Date: 5th June: Rotary EndPlasticSoup Action day 2021, make sure your club starts an action and use the combined logo’s to brand your EPS-activities on social media
Check our website for the latest news in four languages: Dutch, English, German, Spanish.
Via googledrive we will share the actions packages for school challenges in four languages.
Please give us a reply if you want to be invited,
Kind regards,
Rotary EndPlasticSoup-team
Wytzia, Madelon, Gert-Jan, Willem, Wendela
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