The Furure´s Bright
June 16, 2020
Film Handover
July 6, 2020

A smooth transition – another Handover

July 6, 2020

On Monday 29 June, at the Hotel Bendinat, President Ralf Jansen handed over to In-coming President, Gerdi Edstadtler -Pietsch, as President of the Club. As well as the wonderful view from the terrace we had the weather to match. A number of VIP’s – including HRH Princess Birgitta of Sweden, a friend of Ralf and Ulla’s, and the outgoing and incoming Assistant Governors of District 2203, were all warmly welcomed by Geoff Moore, our outgoing Sargeant@Arms. 

Handover 2020

Without too much celebration in the current crisis, the handover ceremony was organised and handled by Geoff Moore, with his usual charm. Just over 40 members and guests were present, for the cava reception, the ceremony and lunch. And another 12 took part via Zoom, organised by Frank Garrelts, including our two Honorary members, John Leggat and Karl Homberg. The President, Ralf Jansen, invited all members to Toast the Guests 

The outgoing District Governor, Juan Sastre thanked the Club for all the work it had done for the Calvia Community, particularly in the current crisis situation. Dolina Reynolds, on behalf of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Calvia, echoed that view. 

As part of the formal part of the event, Geoff introduced President Ralf, his wife Ulla, Incoming President Gerdi and her husband Peter. Following which John Robbins, read the Object of Rotary, as a reminder to the Incoming President, and all present, of the principles 

which guide Rotarians’ relationship with each other and their actions in support of the wider community. 

At Geoff’s invitation, President Ralf addressed the meeting. He said that his year had been a difficult one for an organisation, like Rotary International, as a result of the Coronavirus crisis. But to our credit, we had not missed a heartbeat, meetings had been undertaken via Zoom and service to the community had continued. He thanked Juan Sastre, outgoing Assistant District Governor, for all his help to the Club over the last two years. Ralf also revealed he had bought a new laptop in order to take part in Zoom meetings and to see all participants. Well done Ralf. He reminded everyone that we had raised substantial sums of money and donated to some very worthy causes. 

He was proud too, that we had taken on the responsibility of forming a new Club in the North of the Island to which a lot of our members have contributed. This has been driven by Geoff Moore. Rotary International, and we in this Club in Calvia were lucky and proud to have him as a member. His 37 years of Service above Self is an admirable record. 

He mentioned also the very positive social programme which had ensured that members had an opportunity to meet, walk, eat and drink in a convivial atmosphere. 

Last, but by no means least, he thanked the Board, who had helped him achieve so much 

He wished Gerdi every success in her year as President of the Club. 

Ralf then gave his thanks and presented gifts to those members of the club who were leaving. Sue Worthington, Peter de Pradines, Jan Siegl, Saloua and Mike Knight. 

Gerdi was then invited to take the Oath of the President which she duly did and the President’s chain was passed to her from Ralf. In return, Gerdi presented Ralf with the Past President’s pin and Ulla, with a bouquet of flowers. 

bouquet of flowers.

Gerdi, in her address to the meeting also thanked all attendees and President Ralf and all his Team for all the work they had done to further the work and ideals of Rotary International. 

Gerdi said that she was very proud and happy to have been elected President of the Club. 

The last year had been difficult and made planning the next year even more so. But, it also opened up opportunities- new ways to communicate, ensuring communication, new ideas and new opportunities to help. She had gathered a great team and would ensure that 20/21 was a successful year for Rotary Club Calvia International, that it would be more visible and would always be guided by ‘Service above Self’ 

Peter Pietsch, Gerdi’s husband, spoke and provided her with a chain of 365 chocolates (to reflect the number of days of her office) some were hard to reflect her plans and intentions which might be difficult to achieve and some were soft to recognise that some things were easy. But if she ate her way through them all, her burden would get lighter. 

The Incoming District Governor, Antonio Vasquez, said that the future was very opaque; the economy was very such that there were considerable difficulties for all communities. Rotary at all levels needed to work together to ensure maximum effectiveness and visibility. 

Our outgoing and incoming Presidents and Assistant District Governors 

The Toast ‘Rotary the World Over’ was given by President Gerdi. 

Mike Knight 


29 June 2020. 


    Rotary Club

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